Our goal at Maternity Worldwide is a world in which all women and their babies can access safe and appropriate childbirth regardless of where they live. Celebrate women’s football this summer with our FREE sweepstake kit and help raise money to support our work at the same time. It’s easy…
STEP TWO: Decide on a stake and how much the prizes are going to be, plus the suggested donation. The classic formula is 35% winner’s prize, 15% runner-up prize and 50% charity donation but you can do it any way you want! To maintain interest throughout the month, you can add extra categories like ‘heaviest defeat’ or ‘dirtiest team’ (judged by red cards, not fouls).
STEP THREE: Set up your sweepstake! Print out the slips for all 24 teams in the tournament. Cut and fold them (so nobody can see what they’re choosing) then put them in a hat for the big draw. Collect the money BEFORE people pick a slip.
STEP FOUR: Make sure you keep a record of who has picked which team. As each person draws their slip at random, write their name in the box next to the relevant team on the sheet provided.
STEP FIVE: Print out our wallcharts and keep track of the games! If you’re watching with friends, please send us pictures on social media @MaternityMW on Twitter and Instagram and facebook.com/MaternityWW. We’ve also enclosed a poster in the kit explaining who we are and what we do, so people know where their money is going. Some organisations like to run an extra fundraising collection for us during matches but this is completely optional.
We’re celebrating ‘International Day of the Midwife’ by asking people to host a cake party in May – the money you raise will sponsor the training and employing of midwives in Africa.
You can host a tea party, cake sale or coffee morning, invite your friends, family and colleagues to join you and ask them to make a small donation. Be creative – last year we had picnics in the park, university bakes and we even had a group of wonderful Muffinistas climb Snowdon and enjoy a cake at the summit!
One in 22 women die in pregnancy and childbirth in developing countries. Having a midwife or skilled birth attendant present at birth is one of the most effective interventions to save lives. It costs, on average, just £80 a month to train a midwife so together, people here can help midwives in Africa to save the lives of mothers and their babies.
When: International Day of the Midwife is on 5th May every year so hosting a party any time in May would be great (or another time of year if that suits you better)!
More info: For your free Muffins for Midwives fundraising pack which contains everything you need for your event please fill in your details below. You can like our Facebook page or tweet us @MaternityWW and share your ideas with other Muffinista’s!
Make a donation: If you can’t host an event but would like to make a donation towards training more midwives in Africa please visit our Donation Page; don’t forget to reference Muffins for Midwives!
Our first student midwife Lensa, whose training was sponsored by Muffins for Midwives, qualified and graduated in 2016 – read her story here!
Muffins for Midwives Pack
If you would like to receive a Muffins for Midwives Fundraising pack please complete your details below or email [email protected]
As of May 25th 2018, General Data Protection Laws are changing. Soon, Maternity Worldwide will not be able to send you important information about our latest programme news and fundraising campaigns without your express permission.
At Maternity Worldwide our vision is of a world in which all women, regardless of where they live, can access safe and appropriate childbirth. Everything that Maternity Worldwide does, from training and employing local midwives, to empowering women to become the decision makers about their own healthcare, aims to bring that vision closer. But what really changes things is you. Your kind and continued support is invaluable.
As a supporter of Maternity Worldwide, you play a crucial part in our organisation and we would like it to stay that way. So please, stay in touch.
If you’re happy for Maternity Worldwide to contact you, please let us know how you would like to hear from us:
Communication Preferences - GDPR
Thank you very much for your ongoing support, it really is hugely appreciated!
Our BBC Radio 4 Appeal was broadcast at the end of April and we are very excited to announce the total you helped us to raise…
At the end of April, English actress, Emily Watson shared our appeal message with you and told you all about the vital work Maternity Worldwide are doing to ensure more lives will be saved in pregnancy and childbirth in Africa.
With huge thanks to Emily’s passion, the BBC’s hard work and your wonderful support, our BBC Radio 4 appeal has raised an incredible £17,205! Thank you all so much for your kindness and generosity, we have been overwhelmed with your response to this year’s appeal.
Every day across the world 800 women die in pregnancy or childbirth. Each one of these deaths is a tragedy which has a devastating effect on the family. Sadly many young children also die following the death of their mother. Most of these lives could be saved by relatively simple, inexpensive measures.
The total raised from our Radio 4 appeal could;
Provide 955 safe births.
Provide approximately 680 women with seed funding loans. These loans encourage women to start their own small businesses to enable them to become financially independent and make their own decisions about their maternal healthcare.
Buy 34 bicycle ambulances. Bicycle ambulances are situated in rural and remote areas with difficult terrain to help to improve the access to maternal and newborn healthcare.
Pay for the full training of 4 student midwives in Malawi. Having a midwife or skilled birth attendant present at birth is one of the most effective interventions to save lives.
At Maternity Worldwide we have a vision of a world where all women, wherever they live, can give birth safely and without fear. Your support has helped to bring that vision closer.
“We think of childbirth as a beautiful and joyous thing but for many, many women it’s extremely dangerous…” – Emily Watson
Thank you for your generous and ongoing support, it is hugely appreciated!
We have a limited number of Brighton Marathon ‘charity partner’ places available for supporters of Maternity Worldwide. Registration is open NOW and costs just £55.
Brighton Marathon is the second largest marathon in the UK. Starting with a loop of gorgeous Preston Park, then taking in the best of the city centre including the Brighton Pavilion and fabulous stretches of coastal road, you’ll be able to take in some spectacular panoramic views where the glorious South Downs meet the English Channel. With its fast, flat course, Brighton Marathon is always a popular event in the running calendar.
Why not run the Brighton Marathon for Maternity Worldwide? We will provide you with one of our sought-after running vests, a fantastic set of enthusiastic cheerers on race day, fundraising pack including social media graphics and badges, and full support from our team. In exchange for an unforgettable day, we ask that you fund-raise at least £400 for us.
What could we achieve with your sponsor money?
£15 can provide a safe birth for a mother in Africa.
£30 can enable a woman to attend training sessions and receive a small amount of seed funding to begin their own small businesses. By becoming financially independent women are empowered to become the decision makers about their own sexual and reproductive health.
£80 can pay for a month’s midwifery training.
The money you raise will go a long way towards helping save the lives of mothers and babies during childbirth.
In a change from previous years, this year all Brighton Marathon participants self-register through Race Roster: simply click here.
No payment is required at this stage. We are notified whenever someone signs up to run for Maternity Worldwide and will then send you an invoice for £55 to complete your registration. You will be given a Race Roster confirmation number on their ‘thank you’ page. Please make a note of it in case of queries.
We don’t manage the Race Roster site so if you have any problems with your registration, please contact [email protected].
If you have any other questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us at [email protected].